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Wednesday, 3 November 2010


I've come to the conclusion that we're going to be learning a lot of new terms over the next three years that end with 'ity'. Good, those kind of words usually have interesting meanings. However out of all the 'ity' words I'm sure I don't know, Intertextuality is one I've actually stumbled across many times. For some strange and unknown reason, whenever I think of that word I immediately think 'icon'. Why? Because when intertextuality is used its usually to refer to/imitate something iconic, something that a lot of people have connected with or know very well because it was famous for something. Like what Ivan showed us in the lecture; the repetition of the famous line by Charlton Heston in the new Planet of the Apes adaptation, and how the meaning of it was changed around. We feel somehow impressed by this- probably because we all chuckle at how Heston very badly acts out that line in the old film, and remember this amusement when he says it again in the newbie. However, would it have been the same if they'd gotten another actor to play that old ape dude, and HE said that line? noooooo. And I have a perfect example of how much that would've failed:


Now watch this:


andddd this:


See a pattern there? Not hard to spot I'm sure. 'Come with me if you want to live', the famous line spoken by Michael Biehn in the iconic classic, The Terminator. Yeah, its iconic for a lot of reasons (even animation, ironically ^_^) and it doesn't hurt to have the 'James Cameron' label slapped on it either- I'm sure that after Avatar millions of people (who must be insane anyway) rushed to watch it because 'OMG!! James Cameron did it! He's AWESOMEEE O.O' or something like that. So anyway, besides 'I'll be back', that was probably the key line from that film, because it summed up the plot and the relationships between the characters and blah blah- then helloooo, whats this? It's been used again in Terminator Salvation. Not by the same actor- owh, that's a shame :( buttt, by the same character- that's not so bad. Actually, it's quite good- since the film is set before the original, and then we think 'heeeey, that's probably how that line from the first film came about!! that's clever ^_^' and thennnnn.......you probably watched that third youtube vid too. And all of a sudden- ah, the line's been killed. Why? number one- Sarah Connor Chronicles just sucks in general. Number two: not the same actor (shes female for a start) and number three: not even the same character. what the actual hell??? They can't do this, they've tried to recreate an awesome line from an awesome film in an almost completely new context, and its failed miserably. Which is where my point concludes: Intertextuality is awesome if you do it right, and can make new media seem very clever and get more viewers from the people who appreciate the 'inter-text' too- however, use it wrongly and it will make your animation, film, comic (whatever) bomb badly. Don't use the old and loved stuff idly!!

That's what I've conjured up from that lecture. The thoughts just come to me, what can I say. If I'm wrong I'm wrong :)

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